Hygienist Visit

Get tailored advice including tips on diet and preventing decay

The hygienist’s main work is to help you maintain a healthy mouth by preventing and treating gum disease.

This includes:

  • Professionally cleaning your teeth by removing plaque and tartar (usually called a ‘scale and polish’ or a prophylaxis).
  • However, perhaps their most important role is showing you the best way to keep your teeth free of plaque. Plaque is a sticky coating that forms constantly on your teeth.
  • Hygienists also give advice about diet and about preventing tooth decay.
  • The hygienist will work with the dental team to give you care that is tailored to your needs.

We now offer Direct Access hygiene treatment

Direct Access means that dental hygienists can see you without the need to see a dentist first.

This means you can now continue to attend your own NHS or private dentist for on-going regular dental treatment and see one of our hygienists for additional gum care or cosmetic cleaning.

Call us now on 0113 293 0380 to book a hygiene appointment 


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Patients’ needs differ and we pride ourselves on ensuring that the length of any appointment is tailored to your needs. Appointment times may vary between 15- 30 – 45 minutes.

At Stonegate Dental we strongly believe in a preventative approach to oral health and we encourage regular hygienist visits.

We regularly monitor your gum and supporting bone health through assessment charts, periodontal probing and dental X-rays. This enables us to address any change in your gum health. Initially your appointments may vary between monthly to 6 monthly. The interval between visits is extended as your gums and teeth become healthy.

Changing long-standing tooth brushing techniques can be hard. Teamwork between you and the hygienist will establish correct dental health techniques, which in turn will help maintain healthy gums and teeth.

The treatment is usually pain free, however if you do have any discomfort the hygienist can use anaesthetic gels or local anaesthetic.

Your gums and underlying bone form the foundations for your teeth and looking after them is paramount to your oral health. Bacteria build up on your teeth on a daily basis.

The hygienist will remove the potentially harmful plaque and calculus and will help encourage you to maintain your oral health. Regular visits with the hygienist will help you keep your teeth, improve your appearance and give you fresh breath.

Some dentists will do this type of work, however many realise that the hygienist has been specially trained to carry out hygiene therapies and can spend longer with you. They will encourage and motivate you on how to look after your teeth and gums.

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